A NEW NOVEL entitled


Release date 23rd June 2023

My grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. My father was born in Buenos Aires. My mother studied art and design in 1930s Paris.

I emerged into post-war London but we soon left for the ‘glamour’ of Los Angeles then New York, returning to Blighty in 1950 where the only nod to colour were the frequent pea soup fogs.  

Educated at the Lycée Français, by the age of 9, I’d danced flamenco under Spanish stars, picked grapes in the vineyards of Tuscany, eaten Bouillabaisse in the back streets of Marseilles and developed a passion for the art of tauromachia.

At 18, I travelled through Andalucía as interpreter on the biography of the world’s most famous bullfighter, El Cordobés.  The book was entitled … or I’ll Dress You in Mourning and became an international best seller.  It may have been his story, but it was also mine . . . 

At 21, newly-returned to London, I married, had a darling daughter, divorced, married again, had another darling daughter, started my antiques business, and moved home 14 times in 19 years.

At 42, freshly-divorced once again with two teens in tow, I flung myself into the swirling waters of the singles social scene.  Younger men became my choice du soir.  The attraction, apparently, was mutual! 

In 2003, I co-authored my first book: Move Over, Mrs. Robinson – The Vibrant Guide to Dating, Mating and Relating for Women of a Certain Age. The chapter which received the most media attention was called An Unsuitable Boy.  This encouraged me to continue the back-bending research that led to my first boudoir memoir: The Toyboy Diaries followed by The Daily Male released in the UK, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Russia and Spain.

My roman à clef, Blood on the Sand, followed, inspired by my time as the girlfriend of that matador.

In 2018, the musical production of The Toyboy Diaries hit The Hope Mill Theatre, Manchester.

My new novel TAKE TWO TABLETS (see synopsis below) lands in bookstores worldwide in June 2023. 

“If people think I’m bad, then I’ll be good at that!” 

Macy Lord is living her worst life: victimised at home, vilified at school.  When novice RS teacher, Mr Fairclough, asks his class to re-interpret The Ten Commandments, Macy resolves – for the sake of authenticity – to break them all.  Blaming, blaspheming, coveting, dishonouring, lying, stealing, and worshipping shiny stuff all come easy. But then she kills, and kills again.

Traumatised by her potential parricide, Macy goes on the run: faking adulthood in London, blurring art and death in Paris, escaping undercover in Arabia, raising the bar in Brooklyn. Pursued by a coterie of vengeful cast-offs, Macy craves calm, cool Mr Fairclough, who, having lost his star pupil, eschews education for misadventures of his own.

If nurture is absent, will nature take its course? Can Macy find redemption in the chaos of her life? And how will she ‘complete the set’ with The Seventh Commandment still unbroken?